Friday, September 28, 2007

So I have now been in Morocco for about 3 weeks and feel like its about time for a second blog entry. I am currently at my community based training and loving it. I have been placed with a great host family and really like the town. There isnt much here, which is something I see as a challenge for creating something sustainable and a great opportunity to do so. We have confirmed the creation of an English club, which people seem to be very excited for considering that there is currently no Enlish being taught in town. We went over the alphabet the other day to a group of kids and their faces lit up like we had just supplied them with a years supply of candy.

Although we are only about 2 weeks into our language training at this point, everyone seems to be improving quickly. Its pretty easy to stay motivated when learning means being able to communicate and accomplish dialy tasks. Tommarow we head back to Fes for regrouping and some assessment...Im looking forward to hearing some more cultural integration stories...they are usually pretty amusing.

Yesterday was our day off so we were able to leave our site (with permission) and go for a hike. Didn't quite make it all the way to the mountains, but we were able to see many pretty sights and found a nearby village with a useful Hanut. Everyday I spend here confirms that I made the right choice to come to Morocco, and makes me increasinlgy anxious to see what the next day will bring.

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